April 04, 2009

Praying for Our Future

I passed through hard situations in these two months, so unbelievable. But I try to keep positive thinking even it's difficult to do. I just want to still thank God for everything I have. Thanks for my family and friends who support me all these times.

In few days later, our country will have a political parties voting. We will also enter holy week, celebrate Easter and of course holiday for 4 days. So I think it's better for us to pray together for our future : peaceful country, stable government, safe environment. better and brighter day for our life & family .. so we could work better too. Cheers ... for our brighter future!!!

Write your plans with a pencil but give the eraser to God and let Him erase the wrong plans then replace them with His more beautiful plans.

1 comment:

  1. Hey.....I miss your blog post...and your news from your world. Cheer up, sis...and keep posting to the world. Hugs from here.


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